Asia Pacific Forum

The Asia Pacific Forum (APF) is one of four regional networks of national human rights institutions (NHRIs) within the International Co-ordinating Committee of NHRIs. The APF formerly accredited NHRIs for compliance with the United Nations' Paris Principles, but now acknowledges the accreditation decisions of an ICC sub-committee on which the APF has one of the four (regional) seats.

The APF is unique among the four regional networks in having close working relations with non-governmental organisations in its region.



The full members of the APF (as of 31 May 2010) are the following national institutions deemed to be fully compliant with the Paris Principles:

Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission
Australian Human Rights Commission
National Human Rights Commission
National Human Rights Commission (KOMNAS-HAM)
National Centre for Human Rights (Jordan)
Korea, Republic of
National Human Rights Commission of Korea
Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM)
National Human Rights Commission
National Human Rights Commission
New Zealand
New Zealand Human Rights Commission
Palestinian Independent Commission for Citizen's Rights
Commission on Human Rights (Philippines)
National Committee for Human Rights (Qatar)
National Human Rights Commission
Timor Leste
Office of the Provedor for Human Rights and Justice (Timor Leste)

There are at present no candidate members, a category for NHRIs that are close to Paris Principles compliance.

There are two associate members, NHRIs not in compliance with the Principles:

Human Rights Commission of the Maldives
Sri Lanka
National Human Rights Commission


Asia Pacific Forum also work for human rights of women and LGBT person in relation to universal implement of human rights.

From 9 May to 3 June 2011, they held "Equal State and Human Rights of Women in Southeast Asia" sopported by "Raoul Wallenberg Institute" of Lund University and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.

They also perform "Champain caals for respect, protection and acceptance" for LGBT people and as part of campaign, which was officially launched on 17 May 2011, national human rights institution, civil society groups and human rights defenders are encouraged to;

See also

External links

APF website